zaterdag 1 juni 202410:00 (einde 15:00) Machinefabriek

To get into the mood of ALOK’s program in the evening NITE is hosting a QUEER NARRATIVES writing workshop for everyone who wants to expand their writing skills and who is interested to dive into (their own) queer narratives. Ayden Carlo and Nic Bruckman both queer writers themselves are going to lead the workshop.

WHEN: 1st of June 10:00 – 15:00

WHERE: Theater Machinefabriek, Bloemstraat 38, Groningen

WHAT: Getting to know each other, short input from the workshop leaders, writing assignment 1, lunch, writing assignment 2, presentation of the results, feedback round. (a ticket for the workshop does not include lunch)

Kies tickets en prijzen Maximaal 10 tickets

Regulier € 15,00 0
Studenten € 7,50 0

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